No. 2238, Sanzhen Road, Gaomi City, Shandong Province, China +86-13608986729

Steel Structure Pedestrian Bridge

Product & Service
Steel Structure Pedestrian Bridge
Prefabricated Steel Structure Bridge

Steel fabrication for bridge is one of our most important part job. WANTAI takes pride in our reputation for producing bridge steel which is consistently superior in quality and fit.

WANTAI has the resources to offer customized fabrication solutions based on capacity, long, and type to your bridge fabrication needs. Besides, WANTAI can accomplish the other application of steel structure works used for railway/subway steel structure frames. 

Please provide the following steel structure building importance calculation factors for quotation :

1.  Exact size : length * width *height ;
2.  Wind speed (max speed);
3.  Snow load (kg/m2 in max situation);
4.  Earth quake grade (if have) ;
5.  Live load and dead load for roof and flooring(special for mutli-floors building);
6.  The requirements for window and door;
7.  Max height and weight for crane to lift;
8.  What are the materials for roof and wall ?





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